
The purpose of this project was to create something a little funny. I really like the humor in games like Omori, or Undertale, so I tried to have the humor be a little similar. The story of the game isn't meant to be taken seriously at all. I thought it'd be funny to have the characters be fish, so I made them fish. Fish's fins move as they swim, so I added a tailfin swimming animation to the fish in the game. They're underwater, so it made sense to have some bubbles spread throughout each of the rooms.

The main idea is that the fish flakes are meant to be like a drug to the fish, which the king dislikes and thus banned. The prince is addicted to the fish flakes, so he asks the player to go find him some. Within Bitsy, I used a variable to keep track of if the player had gotten the flakes or not, and I used a Conditional to change whether the prince sets off the game's ending depending on whether the player has the flakes or not. For many of the characters, I also used a sequence to make sure they didn't repeat their exposition over and over.


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